Nov 28, 2011

Chapter 3: Birth of “Eurasian Laboratory’’,its essence and aims

We decide to publish few chapters from Esma Berikishvili's book "Eurasian Laboratory:Poetry,Prose and Music in Georgia" - socio-anthropologic research about earlier activities of our smArt Groupware.
the book will introduce  you to the brief history of Georgian cultural field and state ideology, 80-90s underground art and contemporary art-practice by smART-GROUPware ELY -- through the prism of Bourdieu's field theory and Cohen's theory of Symbolic communities.
the whole pre-version of the book you can read here:

you can purchase the book here:

<The artistic wonderland of Georgia - full of passion, breeze of Chernobyl, five floors Khrushovka's, professor grandfathers and drug addict fathers, black sea and mains of Chiatura, beautiful girls and boys, abandoned industrial buildings and dreams about Georgian Cosmonavtica - seen through theoretical prism. The book takes you to the world of Georgian artists who in their twenties experienced war, fear, darkness, cold, drug addiction, alcoholism, three unsuccessful attempts to build the state and consequently became abhorrent enough to "dance on the ruins". Follow the book and let new artistic viruses in.>


Chapter 3: “Eurasian Laboratory”
In the following chapter I will discuss the emergence of “Eurasian Laboratory”. I will show how
the art collaboration was formed, the priorities and goals that they try to archive, how the
alternative” community is constructed and how it establishes the “alternative” social and
cultural space for performing without any symbolic violence. I will be looking at different
projects that “Laboratory” runs and illustrate how they produce knowledge which is an
alternative to the State discourse. I will also demonstrate the external influences on 
Laboratory’s” art and expose how this particular art group struggles for legitimation: “for the
right to monopolize the exercise of “symbolic violence” (Swartz 1997:123).

3.1 Georgian Underground in 1980-1990

Software for Reincarnation - Art of the Mind Uploading

Journal "Ckheli Shokoladi"["Hot Chocolate"] publishd an essey by ELYen Next Dila.

"App for Reincarnation or the Art of Mind Uploading"

in the article
Next Dila presented his concept  of "Futurenaut" - Transgressive, Alchemical child of altruist gene Sharing combined with constructed false data of unknown personality,
the concept was presented earrlier as a performance  at festival "Artisterium 2010 - Imagine the Future".

and as a seminar "the Art of Mind Uploading" at "Contemporary Art Centre - Tbilisi":

Lo-Tek videopresentation. text by Next, video by  Vinda Folio:

you can read about it in our earlier blogpost:

the next important topic in the article is the presentation of Next's new project.
Virtual Pantheon -- 3D chat-bots, mind-clone softwares of dead or alive writers - as a PsychoActive literature with educational purposes for girlz and boyz from Georgian ghetto schools.

also, mind-clone softwares can be used by artists as a Cut-Up machine of their own digitized unconsciousness -- which can manufacture ideas and words as if they are the same author.

plus, this softwares can be used as an interactive installations on the graves.

blog about the article by next [in Georgian]:

KFj -- Single "Yoshiwara Bitch"+perofmance @Night Office

KFJ appeared on a cover of georgian art-magazine "Tabula Art"
with a demand of Total Legalisation

+ KFj published first Single "Yoshiwara Bitch"

1) Yoshiwara Bitch
2) Yoshiwara Bitch (Extended version)
3) Yoshiwara Bitch (Instrumental)
4) In Da Yoshiwara Club
5) Go Boyz! (Bonus track)

KFJ - "DANCE 2 CHANGE" [support lesbi/bi/transgender women]

25th of november, 2011.
KFJ and Women's Fund in Georgia.
"Dance to Change".

Tv-interview + Acoustic, improvisational Version of  "Био-ROBOT"

KFJ @TabulaArt presentation [june 2011]

live videos from the event:


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