Jan 14, 2011

Parallel Culture Programming,illegal Cosmonautics and other smArt Concepts from the depths of the 2nd World

early PDF version[work for master diploma \Sociology] of new book by Esma Berikishvili:

description/introduction by Esma Berikishvili:
"This paper examines the emergence of the ‘alternative’ culture in Georgia in 2006 and maps the
structure of the artistic field. 

I focus my study on artistic collaboration “Eurasian Laboratory”
and I argue, by using Anthony Cohen’s theory of symbolic construction of community, that they
create an ‘alternative’ community through art as a social activity.Using Pierre Bourdieu’s theory
of field and practice, I show how the artistic field is formed and influenced by several political
happenings in Georgia from 1917 till 2003.

 I expose the issue of cultural policy in order to understand the priorities of the State in cultural field and to examine how the State apparatus by providing the dominant symbolic system, excludes ‘alternative’ cultural forms, forms that do not fit in State’s understanding of culture. Following this lines, I trace how artists engage in struggle for legitimation over proper/improper modes of expression.

 I will also demonstrate how “Eurasian Laboratory” with using subversive cultural forms produces an alternative space for creating music, prose and poetry, which is free from any kind of aesthetic and political restrictions. In addition, I analyze how Georgian context as well as external forces affects formation of the community and art, by looking at the deeper levels of “Laboratory’s” art works."

you can freedownload it here[link updated]:

information on book [updated] version:

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Why Underground? i'm UNDERSKY"

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