Mar 30, 2013

from the mouth of..

"I Rebel, therefore, We Exist, and We are Alone"
Yeshua said to them, "Yes. Have you never read, 'From the mouth of Avatars and infants you have composed a song of praise?' "
avatar existentialism

Mar 27, 2013

max - st★rs in kitchen

< 3
max-st★rs in kitchen from max machaidze on Vimeo.

for anka ^^
morning dust of evergreens
cosmo wars through your existence 

Dream Archives

in 2012 we reLaunch WWDW. and the project is Alive again, we're registrating dreamz of Tbilisi

WWDW [World Wide Dream Web] -- art research in the fields of psychogeography and dreams.

1. cities are living organisms, pixels on the map of the planet, so the roads and buildings, people and dreams are the cells of this 'organism'.we want to know the dreams and nightmares of your city, we want to tell this dreams to everyone.

2. we think that the Art of Dream Sharing is a lost art. dreams are gift, Open source bio-internet with the free access and amazing possibilities, we think that the low role of dreams in ones life is a cultural bug.
we want to bring the dreams back to the life.

Dream Registration

by creating online surveys, temporary street theaters, meetings and seminars - our goal is to make world wide art archive of current dreams of the cities.

through the nonstop local dream registrations
we are migrating from city to city
collecting current dreams of people.

the final step of local dream registration processes is
the analysis of local city's current dream archive, and based on this information the making of city's Dream Map and Dream Exhibition working with local artists, musicians, programmers etc.

Dream Potlatch

the team of WWDW dream workers are trying to practice Dream Potlatch.
to every new city - we bring the dreams of the previous city as a free gift.


Other Body -- Code Versions of Paintings

Exhibition "Other Body" at CCA.
curator Mariam Natroshvili

we presented Code version of Malevichs' "Black Square". as we heard later, soeone already made Html-Css vesrion of "black Square" before, in 90ies. although, we didn't know the name -- our big respect to her/him. after years, we made that again, without knowin it.
so here it is

Dilla begins the whole series of paintings.
here u can see The Battle of the Negroes in the deep dark cave at night[Alphonse Allais,1893]


Chat Bot of Georgian politician Koka Seferteladze, based on his stupid answers and shitiest interview.

made with AIML, hosted on Pandorabots,
Chat Bot on the intersection of critical art, activism and Artificial Intelligence.
by Dilla


SpacePunk Channel

Dilla's Channel "SPACEPUNK" on Artarea Tv2.0 - net television : 
[textz & video-blogs]

#1 terra Lucida

#2 georgian Cosmos

#3 -- Contemporary Mythology TOP-5

KFJ - Summer in the Sky [EP]

Kung Fu Junkie - Summer in the Sky [EP]

1. Summer in the Sky
2. Didxans Gelodi [saxe remake]*

Listen and Download.

all tracks are written and produced by Kung Fu Junkie
Next DreamHacker - lead vocals
Trippy Boy - music, vocals
Tima - guitars, vocals
Max Machaidze - MC
*guest: ia ^^ - vocals
*original track is written by "Sakhe"

special thanks to
Dato Doidze & Nikakoi who helped us 2 record sessions at there home studios <3 br="" nbsp="">thnx 2 ToKa of "Vitamin" 4 such a cool mastering ^^ respect 2 "the beatnik brothers"
BIG THNX 2 all the KFJ family - nothing can split us apart!
and to all the Junkie Nation - WE DANCE OR DIE! ☆


released 28 July 2012

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